Latest Issue: Winter - 2025

Ring in the new year with the winter issue of The Southern Review. You can take a stand against the passage of time in a new story by Dina Nayeri, or contemplate the possibility of romance in a small, icy town in Chris McCormick’s “You’re Not in Love, You’re in Minnesota.” Go on the strangest of honeymoons across a shifting landscape in a newly translated fable by the French surrealist Noël Devaulx, or consider the redemptive qualities of a thrift store in Samuel Cheney’s new poem “Deseret Industries Thrift.” Former U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins returns to The Southern Review’s pages with “The Mouths of Babes,” reckoning with the difficulty implicit in creating art that may feel simple on the surface. New poetry by Barbara Boches, Shara McCallum, and Miho Nonaka, among many others, is also featured. This issue highlights the artwork of Carolyn Zacharias McAdams, whose miniature paintings draw inspiration from the details and precision of doll houses and illuminated manuscripts. We also proudly announce the winners of this year’s Oran Robert Perry Burke and James Olney Awards. 

Carolyn Zacharias McAdams

In this Issue:

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An Intimacy; Nightfall (Poetry - page 1)
Target with Wooden Cubbies for Miscellaneous Ceramics and a Pale-­ Green Molded Pulp Berry Basket (Poetry - page 3)
The 20 Gauge Is Meant for Birds and Beginners (Poetry - page 23)
Photographs from the Exclusion Zone; The Making of Jaws; Doctor Atomic (Poetry - page 24)
Into the Nether World; Stained-­ Glass Cookies (Poetry - page 30)
Entryways, 2021 (Poetry - page 51)
The Happy Days (Poetry - page 52)
Parable; When Night Comes in Its Dark Clothes; The Storm (Poetry - page 63)
In Idaho (Poetry - page 66)
Rabbit Mounds (Poetry - page 67)
Thunder (Poetry - page 85)
Deseret Industries Thrift (Poetry - page 86)
Obbligato: Serendipity; Eclogue Four [Metamorphosed] (Poetry - page 90)
Solstice; Breakthrough (Poetry - page 103)
Mother in Her Bath (Poetry - page 105)
[I have nothing left but my walking]; [from the time we were talking]; [a day when the sun and the birds are kind]; [when the names left them] (Poetry - page 106)
The Buckets (Poetry - page 120)
Downy Woodpecker (Poetry - page 121)
Inventory of Infant Leukemia (Poetry - page 122)
The Mouths of Babes (Poetry - page 127)
I Think of the Languages of the Past— (Poetry - page 128)
While I Was Asleep (Poetry - page 159)
Alice Neel—Andy Warhol (1970); Beth Lipman—Bride (2010); Greer Lankton—It’s All About ME, Not You (1996) (Poetry - page 160)
Everyone Is Putting Down Their Dogs This Week; The Doors between Two Rooms (Poetry - page 166)
Pleasures, Again (Fiction - page 4)
Bold Moves (Fiction - page 33)
The Honeymoon (Fiction - page 58)
You’re Not in Love, You’re in Minnesota (Fiction - page 68)
To Friends Far Away (Fiction - page 114)
Five Fables of Le Cheval de Guerre (Fiction - page 123)
Trust (Fiction - page 130)
Brother (Fiction - page 164)
My Dog Doesn’t Know It’s Her Birthday (Nonfiction - page 88)
Crossword: Acrostic (Puzzles - page 54)